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Being a workplace representative

Our team are the beating heart of Advance Union, including many trained workplace representatives across the country who are on hand to ensure you have a voice at work. No other union in Santander can match this network of support.

If you’ve been a member for twelve months, why not speak to someone about being a workplace representative?

Reps are the backbone of the trade union movement because they link workers, employers and unions.

Union reps have a crucial role in supporting their members, and these responsibilities  include:

  • Listening, supporting and advising members on workplace issues.
  • Recruiting members and helping them understand the full benefits of the union.
  • Raising issues with employers informally and in formal meetings where appropriate.
  • Acting as a link between the workplace,  the union and the employer.

Union reps are entitled to reasonable paid time off from work to perform their union duties.




What do workplace (local) representatives do?

Local representatives are essential because they are the backbone of their union. Without representation at the workplace level, there would be no one to act as the link between members through senior representatives with the employer and the union and no one to organise, represent and raise issues on behalf of people in the workplace.

Here’s a short list of some of the things union reps get involved in:

Recruiting members into the union and organising them around workplace issues, helping them understand the value of a union in the workplace.
Talking to members about workplace issues, advising them and keeping them informed of the latest developments
Raising issues in the area union meeting and further up the union hierarchy.
Many of our union reps will regularly talk to managers to resolve issues, and we have a formal framework of formal meetings with Santander senior management for every business area.
They always maintain confidentiality and will not share your name unless you agree to this.
Still, not all union reps will be involved directly in face-to-face negotiations over critical issues.
Our workplace reps will signpost members with complex queries or when they need representation to the Advance Union office.

Why do our members become a rep?

There are many benefits to being a rep. As well to receiving excellent training, reps often find their union work helps them develop skills they can use in other aspects of their life.

Reps are entitled to paid time off for training and attending meetings and there’s always a friendly voice at the end of the phone at the Advance office if you need information. Our team of professional trade union officers is also available if you need some extra support.

Interested? why not speak to one of our many reps and find out why they enjoy making a difference every day.

Your Representatives

Elections and training

Fellow members elect reps in their workplace for three years.

Why not take on the role if your workplace doesn’t have a rep? It’s crucial, enriching, and not time-consuming, and our representatives enjoy it!

We are open to by elections for the the remainder of a three year term ending in December 2025.  Applications must be received by 31 December 2024.

There is an expectation to complete some training:

  • An online training course all about Advance Union to be completed within the first three months.
  • To attend an online key union welcome meeting within the first three months.
  • To attend the trade union congress representatives training stage one (online or in person) in the first twelve months.

Skills you will develop

Union representatives are exposed to many different opportunities to develop skills that they can use in their future careers, such as:

  • Becoming a strong communicator, listener and influencer.
  • Developing passion by feeling strongly about issues where they want to change things for the better
  • Developing an understanding of unions and how they operate.
  • Gaining an understanding of people’s policies and best practices.
  • Gaining an understanding of the framework of how we work with Santander.
  • Learn to be a good listener; take time to hear what members say
  • Understanding how to show empathy for a colleague’s situation
  • Learn how to ask questions to get to know more about a situation
  • Be open-minded, accept there may be two sides to every story, and that management may have a legitimate case
  • Be able to maintain confidentiality – our independence is our backbone
  • Show enthusiasm and remain positive
  • Know when to ask for help

Workplace representantives application form

Representatives are usually elected for three years. The election window is currently taking place, ready for the term 2024-5. Where we have vacancies for representatives, we always welcome qualifying members standing forward at any time to call the union office to see if there are any requirements as where there are gaps we hold by-elections from time to time.

Name of Nominee (your name)(Required)
Head Shot photo (if you can)
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
We need a photo to help us identify you to your members on our website. This is not mandatory and can be forwarded at a later date.


Nominations are from your Union Area
Name - Proposer(Required)


Seconder Name(Required)
